From me : This move requires one ability :to stand on the hands.You must stand one the floor more then 30 sec.If you can you may begin learn.'99 - spin one the one or two hands.
The best combinations: with swipes,freezes,headspin.
More hard combinations: with airtracks,flares,windmills.
Other ninty nines:2000 - Same as '99 but with hands together.
••• All instructions i found on - One shot crew's site,becouse i've the problems with English •••

::: Ninty nine :::

First you find out which hand you want to spin on, your left hand or your right hand (usually the stronger hand).
Right hand:You start in a standing position. Then you cross your left leg over your right leg. Now you want to try doing a cartwheel with putting your left hand down first then your right. When you are doing this you want to kick up with your right leg then your left (this may feel akward at first but if you do this correctly it makes it much easier). Instead of doing a complete cartwheel, you want to stop half way and balance on your right hand. If you crossed your legs correctly you should be ready to start spinning. just push off with your left and bring your legs together. You sould spin in the clock-wise direction and lead with your head. The TRICK to spinning is that you have to spin on the correct part of your hand or else you will not spin at all. You want to spin on the lower part of your palm, there is kind of a hard bone there, and you also want to lift up you fingers so that they do not cause friction. If you have trouble lifting up you fingers it helps to bend your elbow a little bit. It may be hard to do at first but the better your body is balanced over your right hand the longer you will spin.
Left hand: You start in a standing position. Then you cross your right leg over your left leg. Now you want to try doing a cartwheel with putting your right hand down first then your left. When you are doing this you want to kick up with your left leg then your right (this may feel akward at first but if you do this correctly it makes it much easier). Instead of doing a complete cartwheel, you want to stop half way and balance on your left hand. If you crossed your legs correctly you should be ready to start spinning. just push off with your right and bring your legs together. You sould spin in the counter clock-wise direction and lead with your head. The TRICK to spinning is that you have to spin on the correct part of your hand or else you will not spin at all. You want to spin on the lower part of your palm, there is kind of a hard bone there, and you also want to lift up you fingers so that they do not cause friction. If you have trouble lifting up you fingers it helps to bend your elbow a little bit. It may be hard to do at first but the better your body is balanced over your left hand the longer you will spin.

Instructions were made by OnE sHoT cReW.

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